What are we doing to keep campers safe?
Dear Campers, Parents, and Camp Supporters,
First and foremost, we hope that you and your loved ones are safe and healthy. We wanted to provide some information on how COVID-19 will affect Camp Canopy. We know this pandemic has been stressful to many and recognize that socializing and interacting with peers can be a healthy way for children to cope with stress and connect with others, particularly after spending quite a bit of time at home. After careful thought and planning, we are excited to be resuming Camp Canopy this year, while following CDC, State, and FFA Camp Muskingum considerations to protect campers, families, and our community.
The health and safety of our campers and staff remain our highest priority. Below, you will find a summary of actions we are taking to help ensure we are lowering COVID-19 risk as much as possible. We are:
- Intensifying cleaning and disinfection practices within facilities and premises. High touch surfaces are sanitized on a regular basis.
- Keeping campers in small groups and spacing them out. Groups remain together throughout the week, eating and attending classes together. Campers will sleep spaced out in dorms, sleeping head to foot. Campers will also maintain safe distances during meals.
- Promoting healthy hygiene practices. Each camper will be provided with hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol for use when they do not have easy access to soap and water.
- Requesting that staff and campers wear a cloth face covering as feasible, and in times when physical distancing is difficult. We will follow mask-wearing protocols in place at the time. Campers will receive a mask upon registration, but we encourage campers to also bring enough masks for the week.
- Checking temperatures at registration. If a camper does get sick at camp, we have identified an area where they can rest, be watched after, and safely isolate from others. Rapid COVID tests are available if needed. We will communicate with parents or caretakers directly and, if necessary, arrange for the child to be taken to a healthcare facility for care.
- Limiting the number of items that are shared or touched between campers and staff.
We ask that you help us protect the health of campers this summer. Anyone who is sick or was sick with COVID-19 or recently in contact with someone with COVID-19 in the last 14 days— including staff, campers, and families— should not come to camp.
If you have a specific question about this plan or COVID-19, please contact FFA Camp Muskingum for more information.
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you,
Camp Canopy Planning Committee