Camp Canopy 2021 Update
Camp Canopy is moving back to in-person for 2021!!
At this time, we are planning for a live, in-person camp to be held at FFA Camp Muskingum, June 13 – June 18, 2021! That said, please keep in mind that we will comply with the State of Ohio, CDC, and FFA Camp Muskingum guidance on how best to safely proceed in this time of COVID-19. If we are unable to have a live, in-person camp experience – never fear – we will provide a fun and educational virtual opportunity.
Register for camp now!
Interested in being a Counselor-in-Training?? Learn more here!
We hope you are enjoying the spring sunshine and warmer temperatures. It’s been a long winter so get out and explore the outdoors. Know that your Camp Canopy organizers are doing the same. Hopefully we can all share some cool findings with each other in June!